The day I discovered the meaning of the word Levada

Hello!!, In this post I’m going to talk about something that is very famous in Madeira (apart from Poncha) whose name are Levadas. I remember the day the members from Teatro Metaphora told the volunteers “guys we are going to go on a trip to a Levada” and I was like “great, let’s do it, … More The day I discovered the meaning of the word Levada

Above clouds

They call it “Maintenance of plantation areas” but I would describe it as a total visual enjoyment. And fatigue. Last weekend I spent in mountains taking care of plants and working actively with a hoe. Our team leader Emanuel explained to us that reforestation months have already finished and it’s a time to take care of invasive species. … More Above clouds

We are back!

Long time no see, huh? That’s because there were so many things going on in Metaphora, Christmas, New Year, Madeira… Did you know that Madeira has not only 9 micro climates,  which makes this place so unique in terms of nature and exploring the island; but also the weather here sometimes is so… Unpredictable? Well, I … More We are back!